Have Your Roofing Material Inspected by a Roofing Contractor
Your inspector may have looked for obvious signs of roof damage when going through the house. For example, they may have looked for missing shingles, indications of roof leaks, or damaged flashing. However, a professional roofer will give you a better indication of your roof’s health.
Many roofing companies offer free inspections. Have one visit to make sure that your roofing system was installed properly. Then, ask if any quick roof repairs can prevent leaks and extend the life of your roof.
Some parts of homeownership are fun. For example, you may enjoy adding personal touches to your home, planting flowers, and choosing wall colors.
However, some parts of owning a home are not so fun. For example, you must remove leaves, small branches, and other debris from your gutters to keep your roof and foundation healthy. You may consider hiring a licensed and insured roofer to complete this dangerous job.
Take time to understand your roof’s warranty. Did you receive a transferable warranty from the roofing materials manufacturer? If so, what do you need to do to ensure the warranty is in your name?
You probably have seen movies where homeowners rush around with buckets and pans to capture water from multiple roof leaks. However, we hope you complete roof work on your new home before you experience significant water damage.
Call a local roofing company for a free estimate if you notice any of these signs as you look out of your second-story window. Of course, roof repair might be the most cost effective option. However, before you opt for repair work, consider the following two indicators: