One of the common issues with a foundation in disrepair is letting in insects and rodents into the home. With cracks in your foundation mice, rats, termites, carpenter ants, and more can squeeze their way into your home and walls and make a home for themselves. The most worrisome part of these visitors entering the home is they tend to multiply quickly. This means if you don’t catch onto it quickly you could be looking at a large infestation causing further damage to your home and the need for an exterminator to come out and administer costly services. Even with an exterminator the root cause of how the vermin entered the home still remains. Your foundation needs serious repair.
Plumbing in the home becomes increasingly vulnerable with foundation issues. Many homes plumbing is intertwined in the foundation of the home and weaved through the walls and rafters. When a home is suffering from foundation issues, the shifts in the home can cause plumbing pipes to be subject to pressure that lends itself to cracks. When plumbing cracks or bursts the water damage in the home can be catastrophic.
Lastly, whenever there are cracks or poor sealing around a home’s foundation, water can make its way into the home. This water can create mold and mildew which can be a health risk for your family. Particularly children and adults with respiratory issues or asthma can have exasperated symptoms when exposed to mold in the home.
At HANDAL’S ROOFING we are passionate that you don’t have to suffer the consequences of a poor foundation. What seems like just another project to eventually check off your home improvement list can cause way bigger issues if ignored and cost you senseless dollars down the line. If you are ready to get a quote on what a foundation repair estimate looks like for you.